late night post.
January 15, 2014 @ 2:02 AM

Assalammualaikum, dear readers ( if i have one )

so its like almost 2am, and im still awake. why? i have no idea. i cant sleep so i thought why not update my blog. kan? hehe. walaupun mata ni macam nak taknak je bukak. just imagine, i slept at 3am yesterday ( or last night? whatever ) and woke at around 6:30am.  right after subuh, tak boleh nak tido balik and i've been awake since then. kepala pun macam nak pecah je ni. so better get this done then im off to sleep. yay! (: almaklumlah, semenjak dah jadi pekebun tanam anggur sepenuh masa ni, my sleeping schedule is kinda messed up. ops ;)

but yeah anyway, now that im back in Rawang. I get to see my friends. And oh my..i've missed my room so much. hahaha. last Monday, went to school nak pulangkan balik buku teks dgn Icha. Aw we reunited after so long ;) had lunch together with her Mama. Thanks aunty for the treat. love you mwah mwah. and yeah, we talked and talked macam orang terpisah bertahun lamanya. but its always nice seeing her. hope i get the see the rest of my friends anytime soon and you know, catch up some stories or something. alright. im done for the night. bye :)