June 3, 2013 @ 2:46 PM


 Walaweh. Its been awhile now. Dah berhabuk agaknya blog aku ni. Kalau buka blog ni pun, setakat nak layan lagu je. Tak tahu nak update pasal apa. Cerita banyak, malas je lebih. HEHE.

  Dah seminggu cuti berlalu. Another week to go & im wasting it by getting my acc & add maths projects done which is taking FOREVER. UGH :/ Life is unfair, man. Seriosuly, cuti ni tak rasa macam cuti pun. Time flies WAY too fast. Dah la dua-2 projek ni kena hantar serentak, naik sekolah nanti. But the good thing is, i get to spend this holiday with my fav cousin ever, TASYA dekat rumah ucu. Wuhoo ;D & esok ( Selesa ) balik Segamat pulak. YES! Dapat jumpa Atok, Adip, Apiz... gahhhh rindunyaa.

Anyway, hope y'all are enjoying the holidays. Be safe. Stay safe. See y'all SOON! Take care. XO!