4 o'clock in the morning.
April 6, 2016 @ 4:09 AM


Its 4 o'clock in the morning and i should be in bed but here i am, thinking about something my sister told me once. She told me how i'm the type of person to put other’s happiness before mine. I dont know why i'm thinking about this exactly, i'm just in one of those moods. But I keep replaying her words.I like to please people, I like to feel wanted and loved. And then when something goes wrong, I tend to always think I did something wrong, that its my fault. And then I just over-analyze the situation and feel like crap. I guess I just have to stop taking everything to heart and be content with what I have. 

I wish I had the guts to just tell people off, sick of holding everything in, life’s full of crap, especially when you have people who you do so much for yet half the time you’re treated like shit. So tempted to make a rant but that’s just plain pointless, it does nothing at all especially when there are people around the world suffering much more shit than this. Cant wait till i finally leave this place. Soon. Be patient, Farah.