For You -- Nuraisha Ruslee.
December 24, 2017 @ 1:03 PM


   My dear good lovely amazing friend, Icha.. I know your anniversary was a month ago, and it has been a year since your big day, i just wanna say thank you for making me your bridesmaid. Thank you for trusting me with such BIG role on your BIG day. It meant a lot really. The reason why im writing this is to let you know how happy i am for you that you found your soulmate and someone to spend the rest of your life with, InshaAllah. And how proud i am of you for the woman you've become. Everything you have achieved thus far is well-deserved and a source of constant inspiration for me. You’ve always been so confident, determined and successful in accomplishing your goals and dreams. I know you had doubts before, you were scared if people were gonna think you were making wrong decisions by getting married at early age, tying the knot at age 20. But babe, like i always said, "persetankan itu semua..". Because by the end of the day, YOUR happiness is all that matters. 

   And im so thankful at not only did we get to grow up together, but we also remained just as close. So close even that as you entered this new chapter of your life, I was still there calming you down after a disagreement with your mom about wedding planning stuff. I was there ( and still am) because that’s what best friends do. We’re there for each other, whether it’s a middle school break up or wedding planning drama. The responsibility of being a bridesmaid had let us grow even closer and I was so honored that you wanted me to be part of your special day.

   As I sit and reminisce on our journey of friendship and all we have been through together, I am reminded of just how important you are to me; how much I love, respect and admire you. Even though I wish we could go back to the days where we played and lazed around during Add Maths classes, I’m so happy that you’ve found someone who knows just as well as I do how wonderful you are. And i know it may seem like we've drifted apart as you are now on another journey with the love of your life, do know that I'll always, ALWAYS be here for you whenever you need me. We may be apart physically but not by heart. You're always there, safe and sound in a special place in my heart. 

May Allah SWT protect your marriage, give you sabr and allow you to have empathy for your spouse. May your marriage be filled with love, respect, trust, and everlasting peace. May your home be filled with laughter, words of appreciation and encouragement. As husband and wive, may you increase your spouse’s Imaan and lead each other closer to Allah SWT. May you hold hands with your spouse in this life and in the hereafter in Jannah, Aamiin. I love you.